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Carriere Cultiste

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Carriere Cultiste Empty Carriere Cultiste

Message par Reina Dim 2 Nov - 14:15

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations connues sur les Carrières
(ou classes) de Warhammer Online. Ces informations proviennent des
informations données par le jeu et des retours d’expérience des joueurs
de la bêta européennes et américaines.

Attention cependant, les compétences et par conséquence le rôle des
Carrières peuvent encore un peu changer durant la béta, et nous pouvons
nous attendre à ce qu'elles subissent également des modifications après
la release, comme tout bon MMO qui se respecte...

Les compétences présentées sont toutes celles que peut posséder une
carrière donnée au niveau 40, ceci comprenant les compétences de bases
et celles de spécialisations.

Les valeurs des compétences, données à titre d'indication, sont celles
de personnages de niveau 31 avec 5 points dans chaque voie de Maitrise,
issus de la version 3.2 de la Beta.

Description générale


C'est Tzeentch, l'Architecte du Changement ! Le seigneur de la
transformation ! Il est le maître absolu de toutes les modifications de
ce monde ! Il ne vit que pour le Chaos, et toutes les créatures du
Chaos ne sont que des pensées à l'intérieur de son formidable esprit !

– Drang le Prédicateur, Cultiste

Carriere Cultiste Zealot02_02sLes
Cultistes sont adeptes des dieux du Chaos, leur tâche est de
transmettre la volontés de ces dieux à leurs sbires.
Ce sont les Cultistes qui marquent les adeptes de leur dieu et qui sont
chargés de répandre leur foi au plus grand nombre. Ils sont entièrement
dévoués à leurs maîtres démoniaques et ne sont en aucun cas effrayés
par leurs activités.
Pour le Cultiste, tout n'est qu'histoire de symboles.

Carriere Cultiste Zealot02_03s

Il canalise le pouvoir de son maître grâce à des objets sacrés et des
totems et il peut placer les symboles du Chaos aussi bien sur ses
ennemis que sur ses alliés de manière à les rendre plus forts ou bien à
les affaiblir.
Les glyphes placés sur les serviteurs du Chaos sont appelés Marques et
leur garantissent des pouvoirs hors du commun. Ceux placés sur les
ennemis du Cultiste sont appelés Envoûtement et entraînent de
puissantes malédictions.
Les Envoûtements possèdent un potentiel qui ne se révèle pas
immédiatement. Grâce à la pratique d'une magie rituelle
particulièrement puissante, un Cultiste peut voler la vie et l'esprit
de la cible de son Envoûtement dans le but de renforcer les Marques
placées sur ses alliés afin de les faire jouir de capacités

Carriere Cultiste Zealot02_01sLa
tâche du Cultiste est complexe. Il doit préparer ses alliés au combat
et s'assurer du suivi de leurs Marques selon les différentes phases de
combat. Ils ne doivent toutefois pas négliger les phases offensives car
c'est en utilisant leurs Envoûtements qu'ils pourront renforcer les
pouvoirs de leurs alliés, tout en diminuant la force de leurs ennemis.
En tant que lanceur de sorts, ils ne doivent pas trop rester sur la
défensive, s'ils se concentrent sur un seul aspect de leurs pouvoirs,
leurs autres aptitudes auront des effets moindres.

Apparence du Cultiste :

Armure légère en tissu et vêtements rituels

Manie des dagues sacrificielles ainsi que d’autres instruments de torture.

Porte de nombreux talismans, symboles et objets occultes

- Points Forts:

  • Heals, Buffs et sorts de dégats présents dans chaque voie
- Points Faibles:

  • Résistance faible mais plus qu'un shaman a mon gout
  • Healeur moins efficace qu'un shaman full heal car heal dans chaque branche de spe donc dispersé
- Apport de la classe au groupe:
Intéressant en tant que support apporte vraiment de l'air au main heal voir peu meme devenir un main heal (meme si toujours mieux de le coupler avec un shaman), dps pas top mais suffisant pour teminer le tier de vie restant d'un ennemie.

- Gameplay de la classe :
Type mage ( Sorts a incantation, instants longue portée, cones, ...)

-Voies de Maitrise

*Alchimie : Soins et Dégats sur cible unique
*Sorcellerie : Soin et dégats sur le temps (HoT et DoT)
*Sombres Rituels : Soin et dégats de Zone


Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 33
Localisation : Montigny
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2008

Feuille de personnage
Pseudo: Eryka
Race: Chaos
Classe: Cultiste

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Carriere Cultiste Empty Re: Carriere Cultiste

Message par Reina Dim 2 Nov - 14:18



Aethyric Shock
40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 20s cooldown
Overwhelms your opponent with power, inflicting 232 and stunning them for 3 seconds.

Boon Of Tzeentch
30 Action Points 2s cast 5s cooldown
Requires an active Harbinger of Doom
Drains 206 health from your bearer of your Harbinger, funneling the amount drained into your defensive target.

Breath of Tzeentch
45 Action Points Instant cast 60s cooldown
All opponents within 30 feet of you are knocked back, and monsters are knocked down for 2 seconds.

Chaotic Agitation
13 Action Points 80 ft range Instant cast 13s cooldown
Requires an active Harbinger of Doom
You channel dark forces into the holder of your harbringer and all
targets within 20 feet of them, dealing 166 every second for up to 6

Cleanse War Engine
No Cost 100 ft range 3s cast 300s cooldown
Only usable on Siege Engines
Siege Targetted cleanse. Removes any siege specific debuffs from a friendly siege engine.

Daemonic Fortitude
40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 180s cooldown
Increases target's Wounds by 104 for 60 seconds and then heals the recipient for the amount increased.

Dark Medicine
60 Action Points 150 ft range 1s cast
Restores 165 life to an ally, and then restores an additional 441 health over 9 seconds.

Demon Spittle
50 Action Points Instant cast 5s cooldown
Spews a vile mixture over everything 65 feet in front of you, dealing 228 Corporeal damage over 9 seconds to all opponents.

Dust Of Pandemonium
70 Action Points 3s cast
All group members within 150 feet of you are healed for 360.

Elixir Of Dark Blessings
50 Action Points 150 ft range 3s cast
Heals your target for 774 health.This is a fragile spell, and will
always be set back by a large amount if you are damaged while casting

Glimpse Of Chaos
40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 30s cooldown
Dispels one Enchantment from your target, if successful, will inflict 270 Corporeal damage.

Harbinger of Doom
20 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast
Calls down a Harbinger of Doom upon your enemy. While afflicted by the Harbinger, the target will do 25% less damage to you.

Leaping Alteration
45 Action Points 150 ft range 1s cast 10s cooldown
A bolt of healing energy which instantly leaps to allies within 30 feet
of the last affected, restoring 260 health over 9 seconds. This effect
will only pass through each target once, and will affect up to 6 allies.

Mark of Daemonic Fury
25 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast
Increases a groupmember's Strength and Intelligence by 52. The bearer
of this Mark may also activate it like an ability to inflict 180
Corporeal damage. A player may only bear a single Mark at a time, and
all of your Marks will fade if you die.

Mark of Remaking
25 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 600s cooldown

The groupmember bearing this Mark can resurrect themselves if killed in
the next 10 minutes. In addition, the bearer's Toughness is increased
by 107 for 1 hour. A player may only bear a single Mark at a time.

Mark of the Spell Destroyer
25 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast
Increases a groupmember's Initiative and Willpower by 50. The bearer of
this Mark may activate it like an ability to inflict 435 Corporeal
damage over 9 seconds. A player may only bear a single Mark at a time,
and all of your Marks will fade if you die.

Mark of the Vortex
25 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast
Increases all your groupmember's resistances by 157. The bearer of this
Mark may activate it to inflict 231 Corporeal damage over 9 seconds to
all targets within 30 feet. A player may only bear a single Mark at a
time, and all of your Marks will fade if you die.

Mirror Of Madness
45 Action Points 100 ft range 2s cast 10s cooldown
Curses your target for 10 seconds so that whenever they cast a heal, it inflicts 365 Corporeal damage to them.

Reinforce War Engine
No Cost 5 ft range 3s cast 300s cooldown
Only usable on Siege Engines
Siege Targetted buff. Decreases incoming damage to the siege engine by
10% for 30 seconds. Does not work on Rams. Only one effect of this type
per siege engine.

Rite of Agony
45 Action Points 2s cast
Pains washes over enemies within 30 feet of you, inflicting 166 Corporeal damage.

Ritual of Innervation
25 Action Points 1s cast 60s cooldown
A frenzied, minute long ritual that affects all groupmembers within 65
feet, granting them a 20% chance to regain 50 Action Points every

Ritual Of Lunacy
25 Action Points 65 ft range 1s cast 60s cooldown
A dark Ritual that heals any of your groupmates within 20 feet of the
Ritual with the souls of the fallen, restoring 40 health every 5

Ritual of Superiority
25 Action Points 1s cast 60s cooldown
Group members in the radius have a 20% chance when taking damage to
proc a shield that will absorb 47 damage for up to 10s. Can not proc
more than once every 2 seconds.

Shield the Skies
No Cost Instant cast 300s cooldown
Channeled 10% reduction in damage taken by ranged siege engines. You
will also protect two other group mates within 30 feet. Only one effect
of this type may be on a player at a time.

Storm of Ravens
20 Action Points Instant cast 11s cooldown
Requires an active Harbinger of Doom
You concentrate on the bearer of your Harbinger and inflict 62 Corporeal damage every half second for 6 seconds.

Tzeentch Shall Remake You
20 Action Points 100 ft range 3s cast 6s cooldown
Only usable on other players
Tzeentch dislikes losing a pawn so soon. Your target is resurrected with 20% health so that Tzeentch may continue his game.

Tzeentch's Cordial
30 Action Points 150 ft range Instant cast
Heals your target for 1200 over 15 seconds.

Tzeentch's Cry
40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 5s cooldown
A quick bolt of power that deals 206 Corporeal damage.

Tzeentch's Lash
30 Action Points 100 ft range 1s cast 30s cooldown

Inflicts 264 Corporeal damage over 5 seconds and silences the target, preventing them from using any magic.

Veil Of Chaos
40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 20s cooldown
For the next 10 seconds, your target will absorb up to 375 damage. When the effect fades they will regain 120 health.

Warp Reality
30 Action Points 100 ft range Instant castInflicts 325 Corporeal damage over 15 seconds.

Wind of Insanity
15 Action Points Instant cast 16s cooldown
You call up ferocious winds for up to 6 seconds that inflict 75 damage
every second to targets within 30 feet of you. The fierce winds will
knock back players a short distance and knock down monsters for 2



Any time you are attacked, there is a 25% chance that you will become
surrounded by magical energy for 5 seconds, lashing out for 0 damage at
anyone who hits you.

Blessing Of Chaos
Critical heals will Bless your target for 10 seconds, increasing the power of any heals used on them by 25%.

By Tzeentch's Will!
Critical direct heals will increase your morale by 200. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.

Changer's Touch
Whenever you deal Corporeal damage to the bearer of your Harbinger your defensive target will be healed for 25% of the damage.

Chaotic Force
The Critical chance on Tzeentch's Cry, Scourge and Boon of Tzeentch is raised by 15%.

Increases your Willpower by 124.

Divine Fury
You deal 25% more damage, but all of your healing becomes 20% less effective.

Drink Deeply
Tzeentch's Cordial will now heal an additional 144 health after the effect ends.

Empowered Alteration
Leaping Alteration will also restore 48 Action Points over 9 seconds.

Endless Gifts
Abilities granted through your Marks of Chaos will now have a 30 second cool down.

Lashing Waves
Tzeentch's Lash will now strike all opponents within 20 feet of your initial target.

Any time you directly heal someone, there is a 25% chance your
offensive target will take damage equal to 25% of the healed value.

Restorative Burst
Any time one of your direct healing effects critically heals an ally, you will regain 40 Action Points over 3 seconds.

Scourged Warping
Warp Reality will now deals 10% more damage, and every tick of damage
has a 20% chance of making the next Scourge cast within 10 seconds free.

All of your heals will cause enemy monsters to hate you 25% less than normal.

Sweeping Disgorgement
Demon Spittle grows ever more corrosive and now also reduces Armor by 618 and Corporeal resistance by 236.

Swirling Vortex
Mark of the Vortex's granted ability will now hit all enemies within 40 feet of the caster, and will last for 15 seconds

Your harbinger will deal 90 damage every 5 seconds and heal your defensive target for the damage done.

Tzeentch's Grip
Any time the bearer of your Harbinger is struck, there is a 25% chance
that your allied attacker will be healed for 72 over 3 seconds.

Tzeentch's Refreshment
Direct heals have a 25% chance to grant your target 50 AP, but will not restore AP to yourself.

Tzeentch's Warding
Increases your Elemental resistance by 195.

Warped Flesh
Any time you are attacked, there is a 25% chance that you will absorb
up to 210 damage. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3

Warping The Spirit
Whenever the bearer of your Harbinger dies, you gain 100 action points and are healed for 126

Waves Of Chaos
Rituals will now pulse damage to all targets within 20 feet every 3 seconds based on Mastery level of the Ritual.



L'utilisation d'une Morale réduit la barre de Morale à 0 et enclenche un cooldown d'1 minute pour toutes les Morales.
Les Morales sont toutes des sorts instantanés.

Rank 1

Divine Favor
150 ft range - Core Ability - Rank 8 - Archetype Healer
A strong heal that will restore 1800 health to your target.

Steal Life
100 ft range - Core Ability - Rank 16 - Archetype Healer
Your target suffers 900 damage over 9 seconds, and you are healed for a half of the damage dealt.

Tzeentch's Talon
100 ft range - Core Ability - Rank 28 - Cultiste uniquement
Reduces your target's armor by 1320 and all resistances by 504 for 15 seconds.

Rank 2

Rampaging Siphon
0 range - Core Ability - Rank 12 - Archetype Healer
Deals 600 damage to all enemies within 30 feet, and heals your entire group for the full amount of the damage dealt.

Focused Mind
0 range - Core Ability - Rank 20 - Archetype Healer
For the next 10 seconds, you will remove and ignore any silencing,
disarming, rooting, snaring effects and your abilities will build 50%
faster and may not be set back.

Eye Of Sheerian
0 range - Core Ability - Rank 32 - Cultiste uniquement
Your entire group is healed for 720 over 9 seconds.

Rank 3

Divine Protection
0 range - Core Ability - Rank 24 - Archetype Healer
Everyone in your group is surrounded by a protective shield, which will absorb a large amount of damage from melee abilities.

Suppressing The Fragile Unbelievers
100 ft range - Core Ability - Rank 36 - Cultiste uniquement
Your target is healed for 360.

Rank 4

Alter Fate
0 range - Core Ability - Rank 40 - Archetype Healer
Resurrects all groupmates within 30 feet. Anyone who is brought back from the dead will also be healed for 47 over 5 seconds.

Tzeentch's Shielding
0 range - Path of Alchemy - Requiert 15 en Alchimie - Cultiste uniquement
Your group is granted 250 Action Points, and for 20 seconds, everyone will absorb up to 1596 damage.

Tzeentch's Scream
100 ft range - Path of Witchcraft - Requiert 15 en Sorcellerie - Cultiste uniquement
Knocks back all targets within 30 feet of you, dealing 1600 damage.

100 ft range - Path of Dark Rites - Requiert 15 en Rituels Sombres - Cultiste uniquement
Inflicts 1638 damage to all targets within 30 feet of you, making heals 50% less effective on them for 10 seconds.

Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 33
Localisation : Montigny
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2008

Feuille de personnage
Pseudo: Eryka
Race: Chaos
Classe: Cultiste

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